• Blockchain
  • Digital marketing
  • Center of interests
  • Blockchain
  • Digital marketing
  • Center of interests



#Marketing Digital #E-réputation
#SEO #Linkbuilding #SMO
#Social Selling
#Blockchain #Cryptomonnaies

About me

Who am I?

In the years 1995, when I was running a continuing education center, I discovered INTERNET. I was immediately won over by this technology of the future. In 1998, I decided to create the continuing education portal www.formaguide.com. The site quickly became a national reference. In 2005, the company was taken over by the STUDYRAMA group. I am proud that this site is still online, it is over 20 years old.

Entrepreneur at heart, I created companies in Google natural referencing, E-reputation, (KELREFERENCEMENT) software publishing (SOCIAL MAKER), animated by numerous trainings in SEO and E-reputation. (ECS Marseille) and participated in numerous events in the Blockchain.

A new revolution is coming!
25 years after the arrival of the internet, a new technology is shaking up everything. The BLOCKCHAIN. I cannot resist the urge to immerse myself in what will probably profoundly change the organization of companies as well as many modes of operation on a global scale.

In January 2020, I create SAS WALLCRYPT

Member of the associations


Wallcrypt Founder-President

Wallcrypt is a portal news dedicated to education, training, employment and business intelligence in the Blockchain sector and its ecosystem. The rise in power of this technology will generate many recruitment demands. Internet users will find free, quality and up-to-date information. Wallcrypt hosts webinars on use cases.

Wallcrypt also offers digital marketing, E-reputation and SEO services to professionals in the Blockchain and its ecosystem.

Social-Maker Co-president-Founder - Trustlinks.io

Social Maker is a company specializing in publishing software for the SEO.

Social Maker is developing a specific Netlinking platform whose mission is to meet the expectations of SEOs who waste a lot of time identifying quality sites for their netlinking actions. www.trustlinks.io



Find on the YouTube channel all the webinars organized and hosted by Wallcrypt.

Meet up

Wallcrypt takes part in the organization of numerous events on the subject of Blockchain.

Chefs d'entreprise, la blockchain est une opportunité pour votre activité
  • Chefs d'entreprise, la blockchain est une opportunité pour votre activité

    Chefs d'entreprise, la blockchain est une opportunité pour votre activité

    Feb 26, 2020 • 0:35

    Pourquoi les dirigeants doivent comprendre la Blockchain ?

  • Le netlinking est il indispensable pour le SEO ?

    Le netlinking est il indispensable pour le SEO ?

    Mar 3, 2020 • 0:29

  • Comment protéger votre E-réputation ?

    Comment protéger votre E-réputation ?

    Mar 12, 2020 • 1:02

    Qui est concerné par l’E-réputation ? Les personnes morales – Les entreprises Les hôtels – Les restaurants Les sites de Ecommerce Les grandes entreprises : exemple : Le médiator Les personnes physiques – Les particuliers Les chefs d’entreprises Les personnalités du sport, de la musique etc … Les hommes politiques …